活動: 第25屆海洋公園保育日 The 25th Ocean Park Conservation Day
時間:2020年1月11日 10:00 – 2020年1月12日 18:00
地點: 海洋公園
以「馬蹄蟹保育」為主題的第 25 屆海洋公園保育日(保育日)將於 2020 年 1 月 11 及 12 日假香港海洋公園舉行,屆時將會有一系列集玩樂、學習和體驗於一身的活動予公眾參與*。今年,參加者於園內完成指定任務後,便可換取印有馬蹄蟹圖樣的可重用矽膠密實袋乙個,以實踐「走塑生活」!
海洋公園於 2020 年 1 月 11 日之入場門票收益將全數撥捐予香港海洋公園保育基金,支持亞洲野生生態保育工作!
Ocean Park Conservation Day is an annual signature event of Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) and Ocean Park that aims to enhance the public’s knowledge on local biodiversity, the urgency of conserving endangered species and encourage public to practice "green-living" daily through the fun-yet-educational games and exhibition. Thank you so much, donors and volunteers, for making the event successful every year.
Under the theme of "Horseshoe Crab Conservation", the 25th Ocean Park Conservation Day (Conservation Day) will be held on 11-12 January 2020*. There will be an array of activities full of amusing and learning experience on the day of event. This year, upon completion of in-park special tasks, participants will have the chance to redeem a reusable silicone Ziploc bag with horseshoe crab printing! Let’s practice a “plastic-free” living together!
All admission fee for Ocean Park on 11 January 2020 will also be donated to OPCFHK to support wildlife conservation in Asia!
*需持海洋公園普通入場門票或海洋公園智紛全年入場證參與活動 Participants are required to purchase Ocean Park General Admission Ticket or present Ocean Park SmartFun Annual Pass for entry.