周末唔知道同小朋友去邊好? 想度過一個開心又有意義嘅禮拜日?
咁就千祈唔可以錯過LOPE Spanish嘅開放日啦!
LOPE Spanish Education Centre即將會喺 3月19日舉行開放日! 到時除咗會有LaLiga西甲足球學校 11am-1pm 嚟教同學仔踢波之外,更加可以免費參加1小時西班牙文課程!學完嘢玩完就梗係要嘆返杯由香港奶茶王新鮮沖製嘅港式奶茶啦!到時仲會教大家點品嚐一杯奶茶添!
Hola a todos, are you still wondering where to spend your weekend? There's no better option than to enjoy a Spanish Sunday with LOPE Spanish at our OPEN DAY!
We will be holding our OPEN DAY on the 19th March at our centre, there will be various activities for you and your children to enjoy.
Not only will be be having LaLiga Football School to give football training from 11am-1pm, but we will also have FREE SPANISH TRIAL Lessons for students of all levels throughout the day!
While your children are having fun learning with our teachers, parents can visit our Spanish Pop-up store to bring some Spanish flavour back home to share with your family and friends. After an hour of learning and playing, it the best time to have a cup of Hong Kong style Milktea freshly brewed by the one and only Milktea King!
All activities are free of charge! Want to know more about what you can do at our OPEN DAY? Swipe left and check them out!
Don't miss this chance to spend a lovely weekend with your loved ones, Scan the QR code or contact us directly to reserve a spot!
See you all on 19th March!
Whatsapp: 94671524
聯絡電話Whatsapp: 94671524