We are an international leader in child education and family solutions, which impact and inspire lifelong learning.
Tutor Time® offers a complete full-immersion, bilingual English and Mandarin educational program from 6 months to 6 years. Drawing inspiration from the Reggio Emilia philosophy and the works of Howard Gardner, Waldorf Steiner, Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget, renowned for their work in Early Childhood Education, our School Readiness Pathway curriculum guides and supports our students’ learning from Infant to K3.
加入多多後,你的生活會變得更加愉快 !(我們提供由六個月到六歲的課堂)
多多國際幼稚園的校舍佔地由八千平方呎至二萬平方呎,專為六個月至六歲小朋友而設。 我們提供配套完善的室內和室外遊樂場及花園,讓小朋友可以愉快地探索。