First Footprint 成立於2016年,現任課程總監為沙女士。課程著重遊戲中學習,通過各種遊戲設計和利用不同的專門教材從而啟發幼兒智能認知,提高專注力、模仿力、分辨能力、語言能力、情緒及社交發展和合作態度等,First Footprint 宗旨是提供優質幼兒遊戲小組及兒童課程。
First Footprint設有大踏步班(學前適應班),專注力特訓班,幼兒遊戲小組,嬰兒按摩班及不同主題的講座。
市場學碩士畢業,正修讀心理學碩士,香港政府認可幼兒Playgroup 導師,兒童體適能導師證書,蒙特梭利教學法導師證書,香港沙遊學會會員,國際嬰兒按摩協會導師 (IAIM) 。
First Footprint aims to provide quality early childhood education to infants and toddles and share the knowledge and experience to the child's first teacher, parents / caretakers.
The first 3 years of child's life is uniquely important. This is the most sensitive period for brain development. The experiences that the child has during this time will shape the architechture of her brain and build the connection that allow her to develop important life-long skills. First Footprint focus on developing the children's fundamental skills such as physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive skill. Allowing the children to have solid foundations to explore and learn confidently. First Footprint also aims to share the knowledge and experience with the children's parents / caretakers as they are the children's first teacher in life and marking the first footprint in children's life-time development.